1. Programmer Competency Matrix | Sijin Joseph

  2. Spy Kids

  3. How radioactive poison became the assassin’s weapon of choice — Matter — Medium

  4. Playing as Women. Playing as Ourselves. | Empathize This

  5. Ignore the news — I. M. H. O. — Medium

  6. Trouble With Terraforming Mars

  7. An Ode to Winamp - Ryan Sims - The Atlantic

  8. The Pastry Box Project | 18 December 2013, baked by Mike Monteiro

  9. Android Fragmentation Report July 2013 - OpenSignal

  10. The Vitamin Myth: Why We Think We Need Supplements - Paul Offit - The Atlantic

  11. 10 Things to Stop Saying to Your Kids (and What to Say Instead)

  12. The Psychology of First-Person-Shooter Games : The New Yorker

  13. Разрыв между умными и глупыми нарастает - Росбалт.ру

  14. Will the F-35, the U.S. Military’s Flaw-Filled, Years-Overdue Joint Strike Fighter, Ever Actually Fly? | Vanity Fair

  15. The Problem With Multitasking : The New Yorker

  16. How to Make Time for Online Dating When You're Crazy Busy

  17. 11 Reasons Why You Should Drink Coffee Every Day

  18. Smarter People Stay Up Later, Do More Drugs and Have More Sex - Esquire

  19. Android Support vs iOS Support | Fidlee

  20. The Melancholy of Kyon

  21. A Cold War Fought by Women — NYTimes.com

  22. Does Life End at 35? | KZhu.net

  23. Ten Steps You Can Take Right Now Against Internet Surveillance | Electronic Frontier Foundation

  24. Sarah Mei » Why You Should Never Use MongoDB

  25. Accuracy comparison test of 5 language identification programs | WhatLanguage.net

  26. Lenta.ru: Наука и техника: Наука: С легким привкусом вибраций

    Все дураки, один я supertaster.

  27. The Japanese Love Industry | VICE United States

  28. Lenta.ru: Россия: Авто: «У них свое космическое видение»

  29. «Здравствуйте, я Дима, я хотел бы записать книжку “Евгений Онегин”» | Colta.ru

  30. The Algernon Argument

  31. (2) Dating and Relationships: What do guys wish girls knew? - Quora

  32. (2) Economics: Which are the main sources of Japan's wealth? - Quora

  33. (2) How To Quit Your Job - The Altucher Confidential - Quora

  34. Wikipedia Extractor - Medialab

  35. How long is the average dissertation? – R is my friend

  36. UCLA Statistics: Analyzing Thesis/Dissertation Lengths | (R news & tutorials)

  37. Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex? | World news | The Observer

  38. Why Do We Eat Popcorn at the Movies? | Food & Think

  39. Status Symbol: Motorola RAZR | The Verge

  40. The Palace Job: Excerpt and Giveaway | GeekDad

  41. The code documentation fallacy | Jussi's development blog

  42. Scott Adams: How to Be Successful - WSJ.com

  43. Apple’s Jony Ive and Designer Marc Newson on Their Shared “Level of Perfection”: “It Is Actually Very Sick” | Vanity Fair

  44. The Russia Left Behind


  45. Why Charlotte Bronte Hated Jane Austen - The Daily Beast

  46. iOS 7: The Pixel Envy Review — Pixel Envy

  47. 16 Habits You Should Do Every Day | KratosGuide.com

  48. The life and death of Buran, the USSR shuttle built on faulty assumptions | Ars Technica

  49. Was America’s Economic Prosperity Just a Historical Accident?

  50. Now That It's in the Broadband Game, Google Flip-Flops on Network Neutrality | Threat Level | Wired.com

  51. Of Dice and Men -- The Story of Dungeons & Dragons: A Review | GeekDad

  52. The Science Behind the Netflix Algorithms That Decide What You'll Watch Next | Underwire | Wired.com

  53. On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs | Strike! Magazine

  54. Musk’s Hyperloop Is a Political Manifesto -- Daily Intelligencer

  55. /var/null

  56. #AltDevBlog » Confessions of a failed indie developer

  57. Why it’s ok to buy books and not read them

  58. Is technology scrambling my baby's brain? | The Verge

  59. Stop pretending we aren't living in the Space Age

  60. Andy Beckett: The forgotten story of Chile's 'socialist internet' | Technology | The Guardian

  61. The Ultimate Cheat Sheet For Starting And Runni... - The Altucher Confidential - Quora

  62. The World Is Fucking Insane — Health & The Future — Medium

    If you said to me, go and design a Diabetes store, I would just take you to the supermarket.

  63. The Ecuadorian Library — Geek Empire — Medium

  64. Snowden leaks: the real take-home - Charlie's Diary

  65. NeuroticIntrovert comments on [CMV] I think that Men's Rights issues are the result of patriarchy, and the Mens Rights Movement just doesn't understand patriarchy.

  66. ГОСТ Р 7.0.5-2008 для Mendeley и Zotero | Когнитивная психология и эмоции

  67. ulitza: Одиночество мужчин

  68. I Learned to Speak Four Languages in a Few Years: Here's How

  69. The Birth of Motherhood – The New Inquiry

  70. How To Have A Longer Marriage Than Kim Kardashian. | PsySociety, Scientific American Blog Network

  71. Mind Thoughts... with Michael Ian Black - Let’s Not Fuck, Shall We? | VICE United States

  72. What Women Want: Porn and the Frontier of Female Sexuality | Porn on GOOD

  73. For Chrissakes, There Is Nothing Wrong With You: A Dating Manifesto

  74. Tracy McMillan: Why You're Not Married

  75. The End of Men - Hanna Rosin - The Atlantic

  76. 3quarksdaily: Three Seconds: Poems, Cubes and the Brain

  77. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Mediocre People

  78. Life Without Sex — The New York Times

  79. Laura Miller’s best books of 2012 - Salon.com

  80. “Paleofantasy”: Stone Age delusions - Salon.com

  81. Will reading make you rich? - Salon.com

  82. A critique of evolutionary psychology — Linda Gannon

  83. Сетевой разум. Первые шаги — slon.ru

    Типичный плохой журнализм. Бред по-верхам, больше technobabble, СИСТЕМА ИЗ ПЯТИ УРОВНЕЙ.

  84. Migration for more money does not bring more happiness | Science Codex

  85. Atheists turn to science during times of stress - science-in-society - 07 June 2013 - New Scientist

  86. (2) How to master your time - Leading a better life - Quora

  87. Beware the Big Errors of 'Big Data' | Wired Opinion | Wired.com

  88. Six Scientifically Supported Ways to Crush Procrastination

  89. How to fake a database design | Ovid [blogs.perl.org]

  90. Базы данных в онлайн играх. От Аллодов Онлайн до Skyforge / Блог компании Mail.Ru Group / Хабрахабр

  91. Интервью с Львом Клейном о гомосексуальности в России - Большой город

  92. Why Doctors Can't Give You LSD (But Maybe They Should)

  93. Is There Anything Good About Men?

  94. The Deadliest Catch – SciencePunk

  95. Don’t Stand Your Ground: In Praise of Retreat — Editor's Picks — Medium

  96. The Evolution of Direct3D | The SaintThe Saint

  97. World's Subways Converging on Ideal Form - Wired Science

  98. The Imagination Engine: Why Next-Gen Videogames Will Rock Your World — Wired

  99. The 100% Economy: Why the U.S. Needs a Strong Middle Class to Thrive - Jim Tankersley - The Atlantic

  100. Gamasutra - Features - Culture Clash: How Video Games Are Crashing the Museum Party

  101. Nico Muhly » Dancing out of the office, and more on Gait

  102. The Technium: What Books Will Become

  103. Such a Long Journey - An Interview with Kevin Kelly - Boing Boing

  104. Fake Your Way to Happiness - Ideas Market - WSJ

  105. Dropping DRM may be too little, too late

    It may be too late for the removal of DRM to make a difference for publishers, a textbook case heads to the Supreme Court, and Apple heads to court to seek validation.

  106. How Tim Cook is changing Apple - Fortune Tech

  107. amor mundi: The Unbearable Stasis of "Accelerating Change"

  108. Pre to postmortem: the inside story of the death of Palm and webOS | The Verge

  109. Is Sex Passé? — The New York Times

  110. Why You Can’t Get a Taxi - Megan McArdle - The Atlantic

  111. Contraceptive Comeback: The Maligned IUD Gets a Second Chance | Wired Magazine | Wired.com

  112. Reclaiming the sacred gift: A postscript on humanities and science | Literally Psyched, Scientific American Blog Network

  113. Startup = Growth

  114. Bruce Sterling: "From Beyond the Coming Age of Networked Matter," a short story - Boing Boing

  115. Overweight? Maybe You Really Can Blame Your Genes — The New York Times

    Researchers have found a genetic mutation that may help explain why some people can eat the same amount as others but gain more weight.

  116. Welcome to the ‘Sharing Economy’ — The New York Times

    Who knew the spare bedroom could pay the monthly mortgage?

  117. Existential depression in gifted individuals

  118. Cognitive Democracy — Crooked Timber

    . When a group has to solve a problem, it is much more efficient if each individual looks mostly for arguments supporting a given solution. They can then present these arguments to the group, to be tested by the other members.

  119. Self-Discipline and Social Pressure

  120. Jacket Mechanical: Picturing Books

  121. http://www.itworld.com/it-managementstrategy/259252/how-i-divorced-google

  122. Friday Five: The Best of Baldur's Gate - pornokitsch

  123. The Implicit Web: Last.fm, Amazon, Google, Attention Trust – ReadWrite

  124. U.S. Spies See Superhumans, Instant Cities by 2030 | Danger Room | Wired.com

  125. The culture of masculinity costs all too much to ignore | Cynthia Cockburn and Ann Oakley | Comment is free | The Guardian

  126. "By His Things Will You Know Him," a short story - Boing Boing

  127. Gamasutra: Ramin Shokrizade's Blog - The Top F2P Monetization Tricks

  128. Do Things that Don't Scale

  129. Cat poop a 'vast and underappreciated' public health problem due to T. gondii parasite: scientists - NY Daily News

  130. Language Log » Rowling and "Galbraith": an authorial analysis

  131. 'The Cuckoo’s Calling': The Science That Uncovered J.K. Rowling's Literary Hocus-Pocus - Speakeasy - WSJ

  132. The New Bronze Age: We're Entering the Era of Tough Ore

  133. A Generation Lost in the Bazaar - ACM Queue

  134. An Enhanced-Bass Natural Crossfeed Filter | HeadWize

  135. Documents Reveal How the NSA Cracked the Kryptos Sculpture Years Before the CIA | Threat Level | Wired.com

  136. Large Text Compression Benchmark

  137. Dopamine impacts your willingness to work | Research News @ Vanderbilt | Vanderbilt University

  138. Why Elites Fail | The Nation

  139. This is Where I Say Hello: My Internet

  140. What Captures Your Attention Controls Your Life - Kare Anderson - Harvard Business Review

  141. How Facebook and Google manage users who hate every redesign - The Globe and Mail

  142. Valve: How I Got Here, What It’s Like, and What I’m Doing | Valve

  143. Women's Facebook Photos: A Mix Of Psychology & Photography

  144. No Means No: A Lesson In Consent For All Ages

  145. The Ten Minute Suicide Guide | Cracked.com

  146. Masturbation Is at the Root of the Culture Wars - Hugo Schwyzer - The Atlantic

  147. To Profile or Not to Profile?

  148. » Is Your Pricing a Dot or a Triangle?

  149. Naomi Klein: Disaster capitalism - how to make money out of misery | Comment is free | The Guardian

  150. Notes From The Ebook Trenches | TechCrunch

  151. Future-Ready Content · An A List Apart Article

  152. ongoing by Tim Bray · Blogodammerung?

  153. The Curse of Reading and Forgetting : The New Yorker

  154. James Bursley: The Unconscious Mind at Work

  155. Robert McNamara and the Dangers of Big Data at Ford and in the Vietnam War | MIT Technology Review

  156. 'Who Owns The Future?' Jaron Lanier thinks Google and the government should pay for your data | The Verge

  157. What Happened to Downtime? The Extinction of Deep Thinking & Sacred Space - 99U

  158. The Real Reason We Procrastinate (And What to Do About It) | Greatist

  159. Why Men Die Younger Than Women: The 'Guys Are Fragile' Thesis : Krulwich Wonders... : NPR

  160. Why Wanting Expensive Things Makes Us So Much Happier Than Buying Them - Derek Thompson - The Atlantic

  161. Cheating Ourselves of Sleep - NYTimes.com

  162. The NSA's Prism: why we should care | Technology | guardian.co.uk

  163. Why the West Loves Sci-Fi and Fantasy: A Cultural Explanation - Christine Folch - The Atlantic

  164. Call Me A Lyre...: Ars Memoriae: Memory Palaces, Brain Attics & Sherlock Holmes

  165. Refactoring GitHub's Design by Ian Storm Taylor

  166. How Junk Food Can End Obesity - David H. Freedman - The Atlantic

  167. IOGraphica

  168. Creating animated GIFs from the shell using FFmpeg and ImageMagick < Elaborate Burn

  169. 3 Ways to Forget Your Ex Girlfriend - wikiHow

  170. The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined (Book Review)

  171. Do Readers Judge Female Characters More Harshly Than Male Characters? - Maria Konnikova - The Atlantic

  172. My Psychic Garburator by Margaret Atwood | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books

  173. Living With Less. A Lot Less. - NYTimes.com

  174. An Introduction to the Inner Workings of LadyBits — LadyBits on Medium — Medium

  175. Escaping Stockholm | The Essential Kit


  177. A Virtual Weimar: Hyperinflation in a Video Game World - Peter C. Earle - Mises Daily

  178. http://screensiz.es/

  179. Gaming the System | Bitch Media¬es

    “The invisible hand mustn’t sully itself with girl cooties”.

  180. How the CIA Used a Fake Sci-Fi Flick to Rescue Americans From Tehran | Wired Magazine | Wired.com

  181. Sex And Flirting In Japan - Sex and flirting in Japan (originally from lj user supacat)

  182. New Adult fiction is the hot new category in books

  183. Charles Stross on the Merchant Princes Series: How I Built A World | Tor.com

  184. Wolfram|Alpha Blog : Data Science of the Facebook World

  185. How words should be | Mapped.

  186. First-Time Startup Entrepreneurs: Stop Fucking Around | TechCrunch

  187. Awakening - Joshua Lang - The Atlantic

  188. Dan McKinley :: Effective Web Experimentation as a Homo Narrans

  189. William Gibson on Punk Rock, Internet Memes, and 'Gangnam Style' | Underwire | Wired.com

  190. VQR » What Is the Business of Literature?

  191. News is bad for you – and giving up reading it will make you happier

  192. Monday's medical myth: you can control the sex of your baby


  194. I Refuse to Be a Grown-Up - Elizabeth Wurtzel - The Atlantic

  195. Accidental Genius Summary – Dextronet.com Blog

  196. The Elements Of Style: UNIX As Literature

  197. How to write a scene | A ton of useful information about screenwriting from screenwriter John August

  198. Hollywood’s Year of Heroine Worship — The New York Times

  199. The average human vagina

  200. http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2013/04/the-touch-screen-generation/309250/

  201. (2) Natural Happiness: The Truth About Exercise and... - James Clear - Quora¬es

  202. NewsBlur

    Where to go once google reader is out.

  203. Story about Battle Damaged A-10

  204. Paint Conversion Chart

  205. http://noexcuselist.com/

  206. Neuroscientists Discover New Molecular Mechanism for Long-Term Memory Formation | Biology, Neuroscience | Sci-News.com¬es

  207. Gears of War writer Tom Bissell on video games and storytelling : The New Yorker

  208. Death is dead: how modern video game designers killed danger | The Verge

  209. Advice I want to tell my daughters Altucher Confidential¬es

  210. The Perfect Milk Machine: How Big Data Transformed the Dairy Industry - Alexis C. Madrigal - The Atlantic

  211. Noam Chomsky on America's Economic Suicide | Alternet

  212. The Benefits of Being Bilingual | Wired Science | Wired.com

  213. The Steampunk Movement is Good and Important • Harkaway

  214. Television - TV without context¬es

  215. Why Waiting Is Torture — The New York Times

  216. Scripting News: What is Relative Writing?

  217. www.roshfu.com

  218. gladwell dot com - late bloomers

  219. Schneier on Security: Power and the Internet

  220. The Puzzling Role Of Biophotons In The Brain | MIT Technology Review

  221. Meet the men who spy on women through their webcams | Ars Technica

  222. Trickle-Down Distress: How America's Broken Meritocracy Drives Our National Anxiety Epidemic - Maura Kelly - The Atlantic

  223. The End of Taxis - Sommer Mathis - The Atlantic Cities

  224. Brossart case: Cattle theft allegations and law enforcement use of domestic drones.

  225. Scan This Book! - New York Times

  226. Envelopes That Claim to be Important | Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories¬es

  227. The Speculist » Blog Archive » In the Future Everything Will Be A Coffee Shop

  228. “The Lord of the Rings,” “Twilight,” and Young-Adult Fantasy Books : The New Yorker

  229. The Early Days of a Better Nation

  230. leonwolf.livejournal.com

  231. How low (power) can you go? - Charlie's Diary

  232. Write Till You Drop

  233. William Gibson on Twitter, Antique Watches and Internet Obsessions | Underwire | Wired.com

  234. Detection - Space War -Atomic Rockets

  235. Aircraft Carriers in Space - By Michael Peck | Foreign Policy

  236. William Gibson on Why Sci-Fi Writers Are (Thankfully) Almost Always Wrong | Underwire | Wired.com

  237. Ken MacLeod – Socialism and transhumanism

  238. Why there’s less high-frequency trading | Felix Salmon

  239. Joe Queenan: My 6,128 Favorite Books - WSJ.com

  240. Flickr Is Back, Letting Us Go Home Again | Gadget Lab | Wired.com

  241. 25 Things You Should Know About Narrative Point-Of-View « terribleminds: chuck wendig

  242. What You Need to Know About Genetically Engineered Food - Greg Jaffe - The Atlantic

  243. The Minecraft Test: How to Tell if Your Console Is Screwed | Game|Life | Wired.com

  244. (1) How to master your life - Leading a better life - Quora

  245. Halo 3: How Microsoft Labs Invented a New Science of Play

  246. The 2013 Sony World Photography Awards - In Focus - The Atlantic

  247. How to hire a product manager - by Ken Norton

  248. www.jessicahische.is

  249. Need to Create? Get a Constraint | Wired Science | Wired.com

  250. Learning Science from the Movies « CMBR

  251. Word Craft: Ben Yagoda on Not Writing Badly - WSJ.com

  252. A Short Lesson in Perspective

  253. Learn the basics of typography with 'Type Fun01' | The Verge

  254. Internet copyright law has to have public support if it's going to work | Technology | guardian.co.uk

  255. Skype makes chats and user data more available to police - Washington Post

  256. The Paper Bag Princess - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  257. Know Thyself: Tracking Every Facet of Life, from Sleep to Mood to Pain, 24/7/365

  258. Competent man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." — Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love

  259. Body and Soul: the age of the electronic book

  260. How space radiation hurts astronauts — Boing Boing

  261. Literacy privilege, or, why grammar nazis are dicks — Boing Boing

  262. Understanding Like-gate | Dalton Caldwell

  263. An idea that changed the world | Harvard Gazette

  264. A Moment of Financial Clarification – Whatever

  265. Better Than Human: Why Robots Will — And Must — Take Our Jobs | Gadget Lab | Wired.com

  266. Programmer Interrupted

  267. What If We Responded to Sexual Assault by Limiting Men’s Freedom Like We Limit Women’s? | Wronging Rights

  268. Space Engine - Главная страница

  269. Demystifying Garbage Collectors | Zor's Blog

  270. Dunning–Kruger effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  271. My simple hack for increased alertness and improved cognitive functioning: very bright light - Less Wrong Discussion

  272. Why Most Men Aren't Man Enough to Handle Web Porn - Speakeasy - WSJ
